English Education Department

Lecturers of English Education Department UMK.

English Education Department

Committed to strike off students with English proficiency which is expected to lead them to succeed in any kind of field.

English Education Department

Field Study Program - 5th Semester Students.

English Education Department

Field Study Program - Bromo Mountain.

English Education Department

English Immersion Program (1st Semester Students).

English Education Department

Teaching Practice Program (Teaching English to Young Learners).

English Education Department

Teaching Practice Program (Fun Teaching English to Young Learners).

English Education Department

Mutohhar, S.Pd., M.Pd (Participant of World Culture Forum 2013 - Bali.

English Education Department

English Education Department in Cooperation with IALF Bali.

English Education Department

Factory Visit (DJARUM OASIS) - 3rd Semester Students of English Education Department UMK.

English Education Department

University Visit to HKB University Hongkong (photo session with Prof. Reza).

English Education Department

Inaugural College (Mr. Yoshinori Fujikawa - Hiroshima University, Japan).

English Education Department

Institutional Strenghtening to Improve the Quality...(Work Meeting - Bandungan, 29-30 January, 2016).


This is the result of Skripsi Proposals Session 1 The students who are not listed (you can download it on the right side of the web bars) are invited to join the second chance of the interview with the reviewers on Saturday, October 27, 2018 at 08.00 Am in N BUilding 1st Floor. Note: Revise your skripsi proposal based on the reviewer's suggestion and bring the hard copy of it.